
First check top right corner that your timezone is showing correctly!
  Change if necessary

Enter Gregorian date or Hebrew date and click on [Submit]

  Gregorian dates: October 2nd, 1916  to  January 18, 2038
  Hebrew dates:     5 Tishrei, 5677   to  12 Shevat, 5798

Hover mouse over any date on Hebrew month to show Gregorian date.  Click to change date.

Check, or Uncheck "Evening?" to show correct Hebrew date for after Sundown.
Note: Date shown in blue if after Sundown but before midnight, otherwise orange.

Click  [ R E S E T  TO  N O W ]  button to set date/time to Now!

Comments, suggestions, criticisms welcome.
Contact John Slazenger at t.me/slazenger

Q & A

1. Why the limitions on range?
 I'm using UNIX timestamp for Sundown calculations which limits range.

2. Do you have another calendar program with a bigger range?
 Yes.  Please go to slaz.net/calendar/

3. Can I use your .PHP API functions at 11.ie on my own website?
 Yes, of course you can.  Just send me a message if you plan to do so.